User-facing Retroactive Match request process:

How to Submit a Request

Admin-facing Portal - Match Request Review process:

Where to Review Requests

How to Approve or Reject Requests

How to View Past Requests

Notifications Emails to Requestors

Match Request Review FAQs

Pre-March 2024 Migration: Review Tool Instructions

🧾 How to Submit a Retroactive Match Request

<aside> 💡 For donor-facing documentation about requesting a match, visit the page below:

How to Request a Match


For a request to be submitted as Retroactive Match request (not a request made via the platform where Users make their credit card donation and request a match at the same time), requesters must submit the Retroactive Match request form.

Step 1: Visit Donation History Page

Users will go to their Donation History page to access the link to submit a “Retroactive Match Request”


Step 2: Select Charity

Clicking the button will bring the User directly to the charity search page where they can find charities that are eligible for matching based on company rules.

To submit their request, a user will click the “Submit Match Request” button.


Step 3: Complete Form

The User then fills in the required information to complete their request:


Step 4: Receive updates

Users will get 2 notifications via email:

  1. Confirmation that match request is pending review

  2. Notification of whether match request was approved/rejected

    Emails will be sent from [email protected]. These notifications will include dynamic fields referring to the charity and donation amount, however, the text is not customizable for each company.