The careful use of incentives will increase the impact of all programs hosted on WeSpire. We expect there to be direct benefits in terms of increased employee satisfaction, performance, and retention.

Incentive Ideas

List of Incentives

How Incentives Work

Review this Background on Behavior Change article and understand how technology can help encourage the adoption of new behaviors by providing all three elements of behavior at scale: increased motivation, increased ability, and timely prompts. In the context of the Fogg Model, incentives increase the motivation to perform a specific behavior but do not act on the ability or prompt.

WeSpire aims to increase motivation through rewarding incentives such as:

Together, these provide intrinsic value to many that last a comparatively long time and are not easily “traded away”. They work on different parts of human motivation and contribute to sustainable habit formation. Coupled with the intrinsic motivation built into the WeSpire platform, incentives are a powerful way to help meet your goals.

<aside> ⚠️ Please check with your Legal department to make sure your planned incentives work with your company's tax constraints for gifts.


How to set incentives

  1. Outline your goal
  2. Dream up incentives that focus on helping you meet those targets
  3. Outline the structure of how the incentives will be rewarded
  4. Execute on your plan

Recommendations & Best Practices

  1. Expand rewards offerings to include non-monetary incentives.

    Recognition and the opportunity to spend time with leadership can be used as non-monetary incentives. In the time of remote working, getting 15 minutes on an executive’s calendar is easier than ever and can be immensely rewarding for employees. Other examples of non-monetary incentives are public recognition in an all-hands or town hall meeting, preferred parking spots, an invitation to strategize with leadership on the company’s future goals and objectives.

  2. Points do not equal money.

    The WeSpire platform borrows concepts from video games and sports to increase user engagement. Gamification features are an intrinsic motivator for many users. Using gamification, WeSpire has designed it’s “points” system to be deliberately simple and flexible so points can stand alone as a motivator.

    The goal of a well-structured incentive plan is not to encourage the maximum number of points, rather to move employees towards changing their behaviors that align with programmatic goals. Incentives should entice and reward an employee for completing the tasks they are least interested in completing. Identify the specific behaviors and tasks where there is low motivation and choose to reward those actions monetarily.