A successful engagement program is necessarily grounded in a theoretical framework that describes why people act the way they do, and how to encourage them to act differently.

The Fogg Behavior Model

WeSpire’s technology was designed using the Fogg Model of behavior, which proposes that people will do something only when all three of these elements coincide:

Here we’ve graphed these elements: Motivation on left, and Ability on the bottom. The line describes the “behavior space” - any Prompt for a behavior occurring below the line will not work whereas a prompt for a behavior above the line will.

Imagine being in the shower when your phone rings in another room. You may have the Motivation to answer it - you’re expecting an important call - and you heard the ringing Prompt, but you don’t have the Ability to answer it. Later, you’re holding your phone when you see someone calling you don’t want to talk to. Again the prompt worked, and now you have the ability, but no motivation. Only when the phone rings when you can answer it and a desirable caller will the behavior of answering it be performed.
