Where to Find Event Reports and Who Gets Access
When in Management Panel, you'll find your Event Reports under Reports, On-Demand Reporting.
Admins, all Channel Managers, all Event Managers, all Group Admins get access to the following Reports.
Event Reports
There are two unique Event Reports:
1. Interactive Volunteering Event Reports
This report provides a top-level overview of your Key Performance Indicators. You'll be able to see a snapshot of top figures including:
- Number of volunteer hours
- Number of registrations
- Number of participants
- Number of guest participants
- Number of events (year to date)
- Number of shifts (year to date)
- Average volunteer hour per participant
You can easily sort the data using these filters:
- Date range
- Channel
- Participant type
- Hours type
- Category
- Event name
- Organization name
Additional charts will show:
- Most popular Events by number of Participants or Volunteer Hours
- Most popular Charity Categories by number of volunteer hours
- Top ranked Charity Categories by Volunteer Hours
- Volunteer Events by Charities
- Volunteer Events by Channel
- Unique Participants & Volunteer Hours by month