Broadcasts are written by Brand Admins, Channel Managers, Channel Contributors, and Group Leaders from the Communications Tab of the Management Panel and highlight important activities for users. They serve as the primary communication tactic with users. Broadcasts are presented to users in two ways: on the Dashboard and as richly formatted emails. They can also be targeted to certain teams or sent to all users. The target choice applies to both the Activity Feed and Email distribution methods.

Broadcasts on the Dashboard

The Broadcast will be “pegged” to the top of the Activity Feed regardless of how much activity has occurred since they were published. Once a user has loaded that page and “seen” the broadcast, subsequent page loads will sort the Broadcast into reverse chronological order among the rest of the Activity Feed posts for that user.

Broadcasts delivered via Email

When publishing your Broadcast, tick the box labeled "Email to users" to have a copy sent to your targeted audience. The images and formatting are included so that recipients have a richly formatted message waiting for them. Only users who are subscribed to Broadcast notifications will receive the message.

What to include in a broadcast

A broadcast is a blank slate, so it is up to the author to include a link back to the platform. Be sure to make that call to action clear. Review our Guide to Effective Communications article for more inspiration.

How to send a Broadcast

<aside> 🗣 Are you a Group Leader looking for Broadcast instructions? Go here.


  1. Create a new Broadcast
    1. From the management panel, select “Broadcasts” from the “Communications Section”
    2. Click the “+ New Broadcast” button


  1. Draft your message
    1. Select branding for your message (this will determine the logo and sender name for your Broadcast)

      1. Channel Branding with Platform selected will send using your platform brand name and platform-wide logo

      2. Channel Branding with a Channel selected will send using the Channel name and logo (if no logo exists, the platform-wide logo will be used)

      3. Group Branding (if available) with a Group or Chapter selected will send using the Group or Chapter name and the Group logo


    2. Include a subject

    3. Include your message (don’t forget to add a link)

    4. Add an optional image

    5. Select your target audience

CleanShot 2023-08-10 at 17.18.03.gif

  1. Prepare to send
    1. Confirm where to publish By default, all Broadcasts will publish to the Dashboard newsfeed and alert Users in the target audience with an in-platform notification. You can optionally decide to opt out of sending an email, but we highly recomment you send an email to increase the chances of your message being seen.
    2. Select when to publish - now or at a later date/time
    3. Save your draft by clicking the “Save as Draft” Button
    4. Once your draft is saved, you can preview your message


  1. Send your Broadcast
    1. Ready to send/schedule, just click submit!
    2. A popup will confirm that you’re ready to send to your target audience. You’ll have one last chance to cancel or click “send”


Specifics for Groups Branding and Targeting

Using Group Branding

WeSpire offers the ability to send Broadcasts from your Group. When you use Group Branding, your Group Name and Logo will appear in the Broadcast message.

To send from a Group, select the option to use “Group Branding” and then choose from the list of Groups available in the Dropdown.

<aside> ☝ A note on permissions:

Group Leaders will ONLY be able to send using Group Branding and from a Group for which they are a Leader.

Admins and other permission levels will be able to send using Channel or Platform Branding according to their access level.




Targeting Groups as Recipients

Please remember to select "One or More Teams/Groups" and add your Group to the Group filter.

If you'd like the email to go only to those who have registered for the platform, leave that radio button unchecked. If we have your HRIS file integrated then we can email all group members, regardless if they're registered for the platform or not.

Broadcast filters

Broadcast filters

<aside> ⚠️ Group Leaders and Chapter Leaders will only have the ability to email their Group or specific Chapter.


Broadcast Performance

Analytics are available for emailed broadcasts in the Communications tab of the Management Panel: