There can be instances when a wearable device is connected to the site, but none or not all of a user's activity data is syncing.

This can be caused by but is not limited to the following reasons

  1. WeSpire is not authorized to sync activity data
    1. Ensure that WeSpire is granted full permissions when adding a device connection
  2. The Platform is not running a Campaign with a device enabled Action
  3. No activity has been synced from the device to the wearable account
    1. Ensure that the wearable account we are using to sync activities from is also displaying accurately and is synced with the wearable device it self.
    2. Once confirmed in the wearable account try a manual refresh from the accumulation action screen
  4. The wrong wearable account is synced with the platform

Steps to resolving remaining connection issues

Disconnect (if still connected) and reconnect. Simply reconnecting has solved some majorly delayed syncing issues.