Sometimes company events don't fit within the framework of Volunteer Events on WeSpire, which require registration for a specific shift at a certain day and time. Ideally, Events should be updated to fit in WeSpire's structure, but if alternatives are not available, use these alternative methods to track non-standard volunteering hours.

Registration being managed off-platform


A third party like a non-profit partner is hosting a volunteer opportunity and they want volunteers to register through their own website.

<aside> 📢 The greatest benefit to your employees comes from seeing opportunities to volunteer with their colleagues. Whenever possible, try to work with the non-profit or partner to create a unique experience for your employees to give back together.


Available Solutions:

1. Host registration on your WeSpire platform via an Event — PREFERRED

The preferred solution is to enlist an employee organizer to manage registration using WeSpire and liaise with the charity in order to provide them with updates about who is registered.



2. Host registration on your WeSpire platform via an Event and ask employees to also register with the hosting organization

In this case, instead of identifying an employee organizer as in solution 1, you can create an Event on WeSpire and include links to register with the hosting organization as well.

To do this, you can include a link and instructions for registering as part of the Event description and create a Custom Request required for event registration that tells employees to register at the hosting organization's site as well

Management Panel view of Custom Request

Management Panel view of Custom Request