<aside> 📺 It is important to choose a high-quality banner image as strong visuals are critical for captivating users.
When adding banners to your WeSpire Activities, it's important to make sure that the images are large enough and that the visual focus is in the center third of the image both horizontally and vertically. WeSpire utilizes a mobile responsive website, so images dynamically adjust depending on the size and width of your screen (from smartphones to tablets to widescreen monitors). This means there is no one image/size combination that preserves all elements of an image.
Since the WeSpire platform dynamically adjusts, there is no exact image size. We recommend you design or choose images that have a ratio based on a mobile display.
Achievement badges are shown in black & white on the Campaign page until they have been earned, then the badges appear in color.
The recommended size for achievement badges is 175x175px
Typically achievement badges are a circular badge (with a transparent background) that feature an icon that relates to the campaign topic, but any image that fits a 175x175 box will work
The format should be JPG or JPEG
The recommended maximum file size is 1MB
Channel icons appear next to the Channel name on the Take Action page. The Channel icon will crop to fit within a circle.
Group logo will appear inside the Group's page
Recommended minimum image size: 120x120 pixels
Note that in non-circular images, all area outside the 120 pixel diameter circle will be hidden
Original image:
Channel Icon: