The WeSpire Platform can be a powerful behavior change tool. Campaigns (and Competitions) are a great way to engage employees through education, taking action, and sharing their experiences. This article walks you through how you can draft strong Campaigns.

Focus on Behavior Change. The benefit of the WeSpire platform is that you can use gamification alongside social media components to create a better workplace culture and a more sustainable world. When drafting campaigns, remember to use the tools of behavior change. Behavior change comes about once a person has motivation and ability. So use your campaign actions to focus on education and inspiration. Once your employee has the ability and knowledge and feels inspired, they’ll take action.

Include the right number of Actions. Have you ever stumbled upon a to-do list with 20-30 items on it? Overwhelming right? When building a campaign, the ideal number of Actions is between 5-12. While there’s no hard and fast rule, as we’ve seen campaigns as small as 2 Actions be successful. If you’ve got a large number of actions, think about breaking down a large campaign into a series of more reasonable sized campaigns that could be run in tandem.

Front load easy Actions. Drafting a campaign about office ergonomics? Might as well start out with an action that explains what ergonomics means. When structuring your campaigns, start with easier actions that seem doable for less-than committed people and build to the more complicated and complex tasks. One way to build a campaign, is to break it into three sections that help tell a story or bring the user on a journey.

  1. Learn (actions that define the topic, why is it important, resources & statistics)
  2. Take Action (actions that highlight what can be done)
  3. Engage Socially (actions that promote sharing and reflecting)

Add Videos to Actions. Adding a video to your Action is easy. There's two paths you can take depending on where the video is. Click on the arrow toggle to learn more.

<aside> 💡 Make sure to include explanatory text like "When you're done watching the video, come back to this tab and Complete this Action to earn points and share your reflections" so that users know the Action doesn't auto-complete.


Balance types of action. Don't rely on many Actions that all ask the user to do the same type of behavior such as “read this”. Instead, think about what you want employees to walk away from this campaign inspired to think, feel, or do. To maximize the behavior change potential of your campaign, include actions that make users feel something, and think deeply about the topic to help them make a decision, or instruct a clear response.

Include requirements, but use them sparingly. Platform requirements, such as requiring users to leave a comment, upload a photo, or tag another user in an action are good for increasing virality. We recommend including 1-2 in your campaign, or more if it’s a scavenger hunt type competition. However if you have included requirements in all your actions, it will feel like a company mandated checklist and less of a fun and interesting communications tool. Please note, you can also require that an action must be completed in order to “win” the achievement. Use this feature only when necessary as users often become confused when they earn enough points for Campaign completion but don’t win.