When making a donation on WeSpire, your company’s giving platform, you can search for a charity to donate to. Which charities appear in your search results are based on two things:

  1. If they are in our database of vetted U.S. 501(c)3 organizations (or for international charities, vetted and determined to be of 501(c)3 equivalency status)
  2. If they align with the categories and types of charities your company has approved to be included

Below are some tips for searching for the charity you’re looking for, and how to get a charity added that doesn’t appear in your search.

Searching for an organization? When in doubt, try Charity ID!

Before assuming your desired organization is not a part of WeSpire’s charity list, make sure you have tried searching for the organization by it’s Charity ID without any dashes or other characters. A charity’s identification number is the ultimate source of truth when searching for an organization.

If the organization does not appear after searching by Charity ID, review the details below to learn why the organization is not available and recommended next steps.


Why can’t I find the charity I want to donate to?

Your organization may not be eligible for inclusion within the WeSpire Charity List

For U.S. organizations, only 501c3 organizations should be eligible for giving on WeSpire. For international charities, only charities vetted by our partners and determined to be of 501(c)3 equivalency status will be available.

If you believe your organization should be eligible and is not available, there are a few takeaways to consider:

  1. A charity is added to WeSpire’s database when it has been added to the IRS database and pulled in from a monthly update. Sometimes a charity vetted by the IRS is not a part of the database provided to WeSpire, these are variables outside of our control.
  2. Private schools are required to register with the IRS, however similar to the point above, they may not be apart of the database provided to WeSpire.
  3. Public schools and churches are not required to register with the IRS, therefore they might not be included in the database provided to WeSpire.

Your organization may not align with your company’s giving guidelines

We recommend reviewing your company’s Giving Program policies before submitting the form to ensure the charity is eligible for giving when considering company-specific policies.

For example, if a company giving program excludes religious organizations, submitting the request form for a religious organization does not guarantee it will be available in your company’s giving instance. Although it may be added to WeSpire’s Charity Database, it may not be available to your company due to predetermined policies.

📄 Although your desired organization is not yet in our database, WeSpire can usually add it to our database. Follow instructions below to submit a request.