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Use this page to explore fees associated with Giving and your customizable options. Please refer to your WeSpire Services Order to see agreed-upon fees and where in the donation process they are applied.

Fee Structure

Fee Type



Standard fees for all donations:

Fulfillment Fee (aka Activity Fee)

User-facing platform interface, technology enablement to process donations, facilitated fulfillment to charities, support of charities, tax receipts for US donors, employee donation history

Fees are outlined in contract negotiation and in your SO.

Additional fees that may apply:

Payment Processing Fee

Processing credit card transactions. This fee does not go to WeSpire but instead goes directly to the credit card processor.

ACH Payment Fees

Processing fees charged by our ACH integration partner (USD transactions only) when employees make donations online using ACH transactions instead of credit card transactions.

0.8% on USD transaction capped at $5,000 per transaction.

Currency Conversion Fees

Converting non-USD employee credit card payments to USD. All payments are converted to USD.

1.0% on transactions depending on an individual default credit card currency.

Depending on their personal credit card, Donor might be charged a separate foreign conversion fee.

International Fees

Transferring money across borders, fulfilling donations, international compliance, charity vetting.

How Fees Work

We offer two options for handling Giving fees, all configured at the brand level in the WeSpire application; these fees should all be included in solution design with brands before implementation.

  1. The company covers all fees and maximizes impact to charity *WeSpire's recommendation
  2. The charity covers fees by seeing a reduction in their gift. This has a lower budget impact for the company and more predictable costs.