Ambassadors support the health of your program (and the platform) by serving three key roles:
1. Give super-users the opportunity to breathe life into the platform with their creativity and enthusiasm
These platform aficionados can model exemplary platform behavior by commenting, liking, taking actions, posting photos and recognizing colleagues. Other users will follow suit!
2. "On-the-ground" presence at hard-to-reach locations
No matter how many emails you send, digital signs you post on or gift cards you raffle, the platform may still seem irrelevant to employees who work far away from HQ. A team of ambassadors that can talk up the platform by word-of-mouth is invaluable for recruiting geographically distant employee audiences to the platform. Ambassadors are full of content ideas and because they're disaggregated across locations, they know how to make Campaigns and Events resonate with their colleagues.
3. Get more done, freeing up time
Ambassadors make the platform more successful, save you time, and provide others ownership over a project they're excited about. Win, win, win.
Your platform and goals are unique. The best ambassador programs are customized to suit your particular needs. Here's a step-by-step guide that breaks down the three key components of any ambassador program, including finding the ideal ambassadors, defining their role and responsibilities, and keeping them active in your program.
Who makes for strong ambassadors?
1. Strong communicators
2. Engaged community members
3. Respected by peers